Utilization of the
WBT Testing Service
On-Campus Web Based Testing (WBT) is available to all NBSTSA recognized programs. The program must be an approved testing center and be set up through PSI to participate. To be approved and set up through PSI you will need to make sure an Examination Administrator Request Form has been submitted to PSI.
WBT is for currently enrolled students in the participating program. Graduates from past classes may not test on-campus with the current graduating class.
Complete graduating groups must participate, with the exception of those who are approved for special accommodations. Partial candidate groups are not permitted. Partial candidate groups may utilize the PSI Computer Based (CBT) testing network post-graduation.
Candidates may test by WBT no more than 30 days prior to graduation or 30 days post-graduation.
Please submit all exam applications together with the WBT Request Form and typed roster. All application information must reach our office at least 45 days prior to testing (regular days, not business).
CBT Centers for
Special Accommodations
Please be aware that any candidates who are approved for special accommodations will need to test at a PSI-approved computer-based testing (CBT) center. PSI CBT centers are designed and inspected for ADA compliance which ensures candidates are provided with appropriate accommodations. The rest of the class may test on campus without them. If a student is denied special accommodations and cannot provide further documentation to be reviewed, they may test with the rest of the class, but only if we receive written notice from the student at least one week prior to the exam date that they wish to forgo special accommodations and test on-campus.
NBCMDR sends special accommodations requests out to a third party who is qualified to evaluate the documentation. For this reason, if you want the student to still test on-campus if they are denied, it is recommended that you send all applications, the typed roster, the student’s Request for Special Examination Accommodations with documentation, and the WBT Request Form roughly three months prior to the requested exam date. If the third-party reviewer has not returned a decision yet or a student who is denied special accommodations does not notify us at least one week prior to the exam date that they wish to test on-campus, they will have to test off-campus post-graduation.